Science, Technology and Renewable Energies: An Approximation to their Concepts and Contradictions
social conflicts, efficiency, modernity, energy sustainability, technocscienceAbstract
This paper gives a brief historical overview of the concepts of science, technology, macroscience and technoscience to set in which of them the generation of energy by alternative means should be placed. In addition, it shows ways of understanding the science-technology duality and its participation in societies to present how the introduction of renewable energies in the world’s electrical systems intends to contribute towards solving the increase in energy demand. It not only discusses the supposed environmental benefits, which are considered greater than those of conventional technologies, but also the “goodness” of science and the risks not valued by designers of artefacts and the people who decide their implementation. Lastly, based on a Mexican case, it analyses two relevant and little considered aspects that can affect, with different grades of intensity, the societies in which these technologies are implemented: the life cycle of aerogenerators and photovoltaic systems, and the repercussions in the territory.Downloads
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