Indexation Fetishism. A Latin American Critique of Science Assessment Regimes Worldwide
indexing, scientific journals, assessment regimes, scientific management, Latin AmericaAbstract
This paper raises the issue of the indexation of scientific journals as a mechanism used for science assessment and management. Over time, indexation and quantitative indicators have produced at least two specific effects. On the one hand, the constitution of an unquestioned “faith”, belief or conviction that equates scientific production indexed in mainstream databases to “excellence”; and on the other, a formidable process of commodification of the circulation of knowledge worldwide. From the study of a universe of 10,104 scientific journals from 28 Latin American and Caribbean countries active in 2016/2017, we describe the heterogeneity and particularities of indexation policies in these regions. We then discuss some examples of science assessment policies in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. We argue that the idea of “indexation fetishism” allows showing the hidden and invisible ways that the acceptance of mainstream criteria adopts in the assessment of regional science within the context of international scientific competition. In addition, based on this concept, we expect to stimulate a critical reflection on behalf of the scientific community itself.Downloads
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