The Hydromythology And The Legend From Natural Events


  • Aitana Martos García Department of Education, University of Almería
  • Ana Bravo Gaviro Department of Didactics of Social Sciences, University of Extremadura


geomythology, hydromythology, naturalist legends, myths, hermeneutics


We analyse the role of mythical narratives in relation to phenomena typical of the geology and hydrology, reviewing the scientific status of hydrology, its methods and scientific paradigms that would contribute to its definition. We delve into the role of myths as explanatory devices in application to hydrogeographic realities. In that sense, we compare some relevant cases involving caves and other karst landscapes, as well as oracles and various mythological characters and episodes related to water. The need for a holistic approach is advocated from a broad consideration of the nature of myth, applying perspectives such as Euhemerism and other hermeneutical currents. 


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How to Cite

Martos García, A., & Bravo Gaviro, A. (2017). The Hydromythology And The Legend From Natural Events. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 12(35). Retrieved from


