The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children
childhood, violence, genre, COVID-19Abstract
This article analyzes the relationship between childhood, gender and violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazilian territory. Taking into account the different childhoods, we propose that not all children experienced the same protection mechanisms as adults did during this period of potential isolation in their family environments. This article is part of a doctoral research developed within the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Community Development at the State University of the Midwest (PPGDC-UNICENTRO). It carries out an analysis of the information presented in the media on the problem of violence against children in times of pandemic, as well as of data retrieved from the Guardianship Council of the municipality of Guarapuava, State of Paraná, Brazil, and seeks to observe whether the confinement context produced an increase in aggression statistics. It is concluded that, although this issue was made invisible by the media, the social isolation of children increased the risk of violence.Downloads
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