Situation and Proposals Made by Students, Academic and Administrative Women of UNAM Regarding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19, gender, university comunity, women's practicesAbstract
This paper presents the first stage of a study on the gender situation of students, academics, and administrative women workers of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM, due to its initials in Spanish). It focuses on the conditions in which they work, live and solve their daily personal and work tasks. It also concerns the proposals and practices they are developing to face the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its severe health, social, labor, economic and personal life consequences. This paper contemplates the realization of conversations, interviews and self-reflection groups, as well as the systematization and incorporation of information from research on the subject. The feminist perspective is the theoretical and methodological framework to approach and base the research. Results will enrich the amount of information, analysis, dissemination and recognition of women's lives in the university, as well as the resources they propose to face the pandemic and its consequences.Downloads
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