Investment in Science, Technology and Innovation through the General System of Royalties in Territories Affected by the Colombian Armed Conflict
Cauca and Chocó (2012-2016)
royalties, science, technology, innovation, armed conflictAbstract
This article analyzes the investment fund in science, technology and innovation (FCTI, due to its initials in Spanish) as a method implemented within the General System of Royalties (SGR, due to its initials in Spanish) - set of tax levies on non-renewable natural resources - to finance regional development proposals in Colombia. It studies the cases of Cauca and Chocó, departments marked by great social imbalances resulting from more than fifty years of armed conflict and social crisis. The objective is to examine whether this development mechanism generates (or not) greater impact for communities affected by the war. A simple statistical exploration of the projects between 2012 and 2016 allows us to conclude that it has served as a mechanism for the redistribution of SGR resources. It is also analyzed in which type of activities these public resources have been invested in these two departments during those years.
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