Infosphere: Technical Sociality and Media Practices
A Cuban Approach
digital technology, sociality, practices, interaction, cultureAbstract
With historical evolution, processes of mobilization reappear in countries like Cuba through the direct interventions of the masses in the different spheres of power, culture and economy. In general terms, it could be argued that the resurgence of the "ghost of the Cuban revolution" – from the perspective of various independent social actors – aims to vindicate the practices of political and cultural participation in decision-making processes. In this context, the term "media culture" brings forward the research of new types of sociality, interaction, appropiation, communicative processes, cultural practices and media phenomena, which the use of digital technology materializes in the most diverse social spheres. The search, acquisition and management of all kinds of information through the use of technical devices and digital media influence the behavior of users, as well as their desire to understand themselves as interconnected individuals exercising their citizenship. This article proposes a praxeological approach to technical sociality and media practices in the infosphere, in order to analyze their social and political implications in the Cuban context.
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