Universal Particles: UNESCO’s Scientific Missions In Argentina (1954–1966)


  • Anabella Abarzúa Cutroni Universidad de Congreso


scientific missions, technical assistance, physics, mathematics


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a political organization that promotes intergovernmental cooperation and specializes in communicating knowledge worldwide. Historically, its program was implemented at a global scale and at a territorial level. This paper aims at examining the impact that UNESCO’s scientific missions have had in Argentina, especially regarding research agendas and the training received by researchers. We will be observing from the moment these missions begin until they end (1954- 1966). Three levels of analysis will be combined to do this. In the first section, we will look at the ideas that started UNESCO’s scientific program, under the framework of the mission assigned to the organization within the United Nations’ system. The second section will be devoted to analyzing the political and academic negotiations carried out to hire experts and organize scientific meetings in Argentina, and how these “operations” relate to the preexisting scientific networks in the region. And finally, in the third and fourth sections, we describe the missions of experts in mathematics and physics in Argentina and try to scientifically establish the degree of their impact at a local level.


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Author Biography

Anabella Abarzúa Cutroni, Universidad de Congreso

Becaria posdoctoral INCIHUSA–CONICET y profesora titular asociada de la Universidad de Congreso. 


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How to Cite

Abarzúa Cutroni, A. (2017). Universal Particles: UNESCO’s Scientific Missions In Argentina (1954–1966). Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 12(36). Retrieved from https://ojs.revistacts.net/index.php/CTS/article/view/35


