The Circumlocutions Of Technique: In What Sense Do Technique And Creativity Configure A Singular Identity That Unfolds And Opposes Itself To Other Spheres Of Knowledge And Humanity?


  • María Teresa Santander Gana Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Claudio Herrera Figueroa Universidad de Santiago de Chile


technique, technology, context, identity


Reflecting on technique as a concept alerts us, primarily, to the identities, particularities and differences between technique and technology (considering the current modern context that highlights and opposes one to the other). Therefore, it is possible to outline different paths with regard to the methods, means and contexts that each one has in relation to: knowledge, processes, methods, propagation (reach, risk and effect), appropriation and conception. We shall pay special attention to the meaning and sense of the technical phenomenon, believing that technique, as a human segment, can be understood in a comprehensive and significant spiraling way, as a part of our own nature of doing-being that is found straining its nature and content. In addition, we see that the capacity that we have as humans to be surprised, sheltered and amazed (to see and identify ourselves in the identity) by the technical labor associated to objects derived from human creativity, moves away from a “sterile and neutral”, mechanical or organic, projection that confines technique to a simple, and removed in time, uprooted artifactualism. Our question will be: in what sense do technique and creativity configure a singular identity that unfolds and opposes itself to other spheres of knowledge and humanity?


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Author Biographies

María Teresa Santander Gana, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Académica a jornada completa, Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Claudio Herrera Figueroa, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Investigador asociado, Centro de Integración Ingeniería y Sociedad (CIIS), Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.


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How to Cite

Santander Gana, M. T., & Herrera Figueroa, C. (2017). The Circumlocutions Of Technique: In What Sense Do Technique And Creativity Configure A Singular Identity That Unfolds And Opposes Itself To Other Spheres Of Knowledge And Humanity?. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 12(36). Retrieved from


