The Role Of Darwinism In The Legitimization Of Oppression




Darwinism, Darwin, capitalism, Habermas, evolution


Capitalism is the dominant economic system and social order that ensures the economic freedom through the availability and usufruct of private property over capital as a production tool. Also defined as the system that consists of the exploitation of man by man; and as the system that rules global economy, it is responsible for the conditions of inequality among men. Habermas states that scientific and technical development has become the basis for legitimization of capitalist control. In the light of the foregoing, it is key to highlight the role of Darwinism, which, since its inception, has been the natural justification for the exploitation among men, and even today continues as a legitimation and rationalization mechanism of oppression, and of the submission of man’s freedom to free market.


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Author Biography

Emiliano Salvucci, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



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How to Cite

Salvucci, E. (2016). The Role Of Darwinism In The Legitimization Of Oppression. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 11(32), 37–48.


