Analysis of epistemological and social aspects in the techno-scientific discourse referring to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) grown in Argentina


  • Guillermo Folguera Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Erica Carrizo Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Alicia Massarini Universidad de Buenos Aires



molecular biology, genetics, social legitimacy, GMO


In this paper, we analyze the main arguments that are present in the techno-scientific discourse of biotechnology specialists about genetically modified organisms (GMO) grown in Argentina, with regard both to its epistemic assumptions and to its reference to the relationships between techno-science and society. In particular, our work focuses on two complementary aspects of this discourse: the epistemic factors related to the origin and the growing prestige of molecular genetics as a biological subdiscipline, and the argumentations presented by scientifics and technocrats in the Ciencia Hoy journal. These supported the legitimacy of the introduction and expansion of GM cultures that has taken place in Argentina during the last fifteen years.


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Author Biographies

Guillermo Folguera, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Investigador del Grupo de Investigación de Historia de la Ciencia y del Grupo de Filosofía de la Biología, FCEN-FFyL.

Erica Carrizo, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Investigadora del Centro de Estudios de Historia de la Ciencia y la Técnica José Babini.

Alicia Massarini, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Investigadora de la Maestría en Política y Gestión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FfyB.


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How to Cite

Folguera, G., Carrizo, E. ., & Massarini, A. . (2014). Analysis of epistemological and social aspects in the techno-scientific discourse referring to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) grown in Argentina. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 9(25), 91–119.


