Pervasiveness in software and IT services

methodological approach and an application to Brazil




software activities, information technology services, uniquity


This paper aims to measure the activities of software and IT services performed outside the Brazilian software industry and to highlight the contribution of these activities to the competitive and innovative dynamics in several sectors. For this purpose, the authors used the methodological approach presented in another paper by Diegues and Roselino (2011). The study concludes that such activities are very significant and that the number of employees dedicated to the activities of software and IT services outside the software industry is larger than that allocated in the industry itself. It was also shown that these activities are concentrated in sectors as business services, public administrations and financial intermediations, among others. Regarding industry trends, the authors found that the secondary dimension of software and IT activities has been reducing its importance as part of the Brazilian software industry, which can be an indicator of an increased degree of maturity of this industry. Finally, the paper estimates that in 2008 the activities of software and IT service performed outside the software industry had a dimension of R$ 34.5 billion. That same year, the Brazilian software and related services industry showed a net operating revenue of R$ 47.4 billion.


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Author Biographies

Antônio Carlos Diegues, Universidade Federal de  São Carlos

Professor doutor do Departamento de Economia.

José Eduardo Roselino, Universidade Federal de  São Carlos

Professor doutor do Departamento de Geografia, Turismo e Humanidades.

Renato Garcia, Universidade de São Paulo

Professor doutor do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção de Escola Politécnica.


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How to Cite

Diegues, A. C. ., Roselino, J. E. ., & Garcia, R. (2013). Pervasiveness in software and IT services: methodological approach and an application to Brazil. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 8(24), 175–196.


