Promotion and Evaluation of Problem-Oriented Scientific Careers in Argentina
scientific careers, evaluation of science, multidisciplinary, policy-oriented, CONICETAbstract
Since its origins, CONICET has opened an annual call in all areas of knowledge to enter the Scientific and Technological Researcher Career in Argentina; that is, to obtain a permanent position in research with a high level of competition. Even though historically CONICET has been considered a “liberal” institution -in the sense that its calls sought to respond solely to academic demands-, in 2013 they began to gear towards strategic issues. This article explores whether the career entry evaluation process was modified to respond to a different policy objective: the promotion of scientific careers oriented to problem solving; that is, the generation of knowledge in predefined topics and with greater potential for transfer to the social and productive environment. Through semi-structured interviews and the review of institutional documents, it was found that the evaluation commissions have a distinctive conformation, that the evaluation criteria have a specificity and that the sources of disagreement revolve around how to evaluate the proposed subject and the applied profile of applicants.
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