Computer Programming. Reflections on the Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach


  • Verónica D'Angelo FLACSO/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


computer programming, philosophy, psychology, technology, interdiscipline, computer science, programming in schools


The split between social and formal sciences, between philosophy and technology, between man and machine, in a society that underestimates technical knowledge at the same time that it takes advantage of it, has fostered misunderstandings and biases that constrain the place implicitly assigned to software professionals and hinder interdisciplinary dialogue. This paper intends to review the fundamentals of computer science, and of programming in particular, with a retrospective look on certain university experiences and a prospective one towards the new proposals for teaching programming in schools, calling for a more active participation from philosophy and psychology, in order to allow a better distinction between education and market interests.


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Author Biography

Verónica D'Angelo, FLACSO/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Analista de sistemas de información, docente universitaria y magíster en psicología cognitiva y aprendizaje FLACSO/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (en curso).


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How to Cite

D’Angelo, V. (2018). Computer Programming. Reflections on the Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 13(39). Retrieved from


