The STS Perspective and Training of Brazilian Primary Education Teachers
STS perspective, teaching science, teacher educationAbstract
This research is centered on the elements of teacher education within the framework of Brazilian science teaching. It is part of the project “Key points from the STS perspective within primary education: student performance, educational practices and teaching material”. It aims at analyzing the different perceptions and appropriations from the STS perspective that teachers built during their participation in the project. We submit the accounts of two teachers trained to teach in secondary school. We chose an interpretive approach of the data, which was methodologically based on content analysis. In the teachers’ discourse, a vision of STS studies can be perceived as aligned with the humanistic perspective, with the incorporation of the philosophy of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, and also with a focus on controversial social issues. The teachers’ accounts were positive: their words allowed for a space for the exchange of experiences, a reflection on correct practices, an interchange between different teaching spheres, a contact with researchers of the science teaching sphere and the possibility of exploring new horizons.Downloads
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