STS Education: A Space for Ibero-American Cooperation
STS education, Ibero-American cooperation, techno-scientific controversiesAbstract
Cooperation is the set of activities carried out among various actors through multiple modalities and on a mutually beneficial basis. Under this principle, it is possible to see a diverse range of initiatives that have allowed the consolidation of the academic field of STS education at the Ibero-American level, in part thanks to the continuous support of OEI for more than twenty years. This article addresses three types of strategies that are the foundation of STS education initiatives that have been the subject of cooperation. Methodologically, a hermeneutical analysis has been adopted, in an attempt to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the proposed approaches: techno-scientific controversies, participation in science and the approach of a scientific culture. These approaches support the didactics implemented by Ibero-American teachers, such as Simulated Cases, the use of the history of science to learn the nature of science (NOS) and the Containers for Scientific Culture.Downloads
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