Co-Production of Knowledge: The Case of the Argentine Quarterly Meeting on Climate Outlook


  • María Inés Carabajal CONICET


climate services, co-production of knowledge, interaction, collaboration


This paper documents a space for the co-production of knowledge known as quaterly meetings on climate outlook, organized by Argentina's National Weather Service (SMN, due to the initials in Spanish). During the meeting, a climate forecast is made with the participation of diverse operational, governmental and scientific institutions that produce and use different aspects of the information, ir order to assist decision making. This paper presents the genesis and evolution of the meetings, showing how the SMN's openness to the users' participation gives a framework of legitimacy, recognition and authority to the entity’s practices of knowledge co-production. The paper also describes the organization of the meetings and shows how these exchanges foster the establishment of collaboration networks through formal integration agreements. Finally, it addresses the tensions that emerge as a result of the frequent and systematic interactions between institutions of different natures in order to co-produce socially relevant knowledge.


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Author Biography

María Inés Carabajal, CONICET

Becaria posdoctoral del CONICET, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Carabajal, M. I. (2020). Co-Production of Knowledge: The Case of the Argentine Quarterly Meeting on Climate Outlook. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 15(44). Retrieved from


