Digital Gap and Economic Activity: The Case of Native Women in the Sierra Sur of Oaxaca, Mexico


  • Diego Soto Hernández Universidad de la Sierra Sur (UNSIS)
  • Oscar David Valencia López Universidad de la Sierra Sur (UNSIS)
  • Socorro Moyado Flores Universidad de la Sierra Sur (UNSIS)


rural employment, productive woman, ICTs, rural development, political policies


Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become a key tool for the development of economic and social activities. However, native communities suffer a digital gap that limits their economic and social development, with native women being the most vulnerable segment. This paper identifies the state of the use, access and appropriation of ICTs in production activities, particularly by the native women of the Sierra Sur, Oaxaca. To this end, a questionnaire was used and the information was examined through logistic regression analysis. It is concluded that the access use and degree of appropriation of technology lacks judgement. However, ICTs have positive effects on the economic activities, but the current digital gap limits their impact on the economic activities of native communities.


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Author Biographies

Diego Soto Hernández, Universidad de la Sierra Sur (UNSIS)

Profesor-investigador de la Universidad de la Sierra Sur (UNSIS), México. Coordinador del doctorado en gobierno electrónico.

Oscar David Valencia López, Universidad de la Sierra Sur (UNSIS)

Profesor-investigador de UNSIS.

Socorro Moyado Flores, Universidad de la Sierra Sur (UNSIS)

Profesora-investigadora de UNSIS.


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How to Cite

Soto Hernández, D., Valencia López, O. D., & Moyado Flores, S. (2020). Digital Gap and Economic Activity: The Case of Native Women in the Sierra Sur of Oaxaca, Mexico. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 15(45). Retrieved from


