A General Approach to the Development of Autonomous Cars


  • Antonio Luis Terrones Rodríguez Pontificia Universidad Católica


autonomous cars, artificial intelligence, mobility, culture, advantages, disadvantages


The purpose of this article is to carry out an introductory approach to the field of autonomous cars. Firstly, a brief historical review is set forth to detail its progress. Secondly, the importance of artificial intelligence research for the development of this autonomous technology is highlighted. Autonomous cars spark a cultural change in mobility that comes with advantages, opportunities, risks and threats that must be subjected to analysis. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out a general approach to the development of autonomous cars as a technological innovation that will influence life in the future in terms of mobility and time management.


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Author Biography

Antonio Luis Terrones Rodríguez, Pontificia Universidad Católica

Doctor en filosofía por la Universitat de València, España, con una tesis doctoral bajo el título: Inteligencia
artificial responsable. Humanismo tecnológico y ciencia cívica. Ha sido profesor titular en la Pontificia Universidad
Católica y Universidad de los Hemisferios, ambas de Ecuador. Además, ha colaborado como profesor
visitante en la Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, El Salvador, y en la Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Terrones Rodríguez, A. L. (2021). A General Approach to the Development of Autonomous Cars. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 16(47). Retrieved from https://ojs.revistacts.net/index.php/CTS/article/view/234


