Dynamic Capabilities in the Production of Knowledge-Intensive Goods. The Case of Radar Development in Argentina (2003-2015)
dynamic metacapabilities, management of technology-based companies, radar, radar history, INVAPAbstract
This article analyzes the role played by the combination of the dynamic capabilities of the INVAP Company and the Argentine Air Force in the development and manufacture of radars in Argentina between 2003 and 2015. This case illustrates how a technology company from a semi-peripheral country is able to develop dynamic capabilities that, when recombined internally, allow it to diversify its portfolio from the nuclear field to satellite products, and then to defense. However, this type of capabilities cannot fully explain this diversification, and therefore the concept of dynamic meta-capabilities is introduced. This concept refers to the dynamic capabilities that provide the organization with a framework for marshalling resources, which implies rearranging its set of dynamic capabilities (both operational and managerial, and their asset positions) for the development of new technological goods, and their subsequent production and sale.Downloads
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