The Eyes of Bomber Pilots. Electron Microscopy in Argentina and the U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Force, Argentina, electron microscopeAbstract
This article aims to analyze the role of the U.S. Air Force in a research team at the Institute of General Anatomy and Embryology of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). The analysis of new sources reveals the reason behind the interest of the foreign Air Forces in an Argentine research in the field known today as neurosciences. This article is focused on the years between 1957 and 1965. It begins with the introduction of an electron microscope in the Argentine laboratory, announced as the first in the country, and ends when the last collaboration with the U.S. military institution is registered. The analysis goes beyond the period to track the background of the research team in the 1940s. It also focuses on a document from 1971 in which Argentine scientists Eduardo De Robertis and Rolando García debate about the problems involved in the acceptance of foreign private funds to develop national science. In this manner, the author of this article expects to contribute to the understanding of the veil that was drawn over the contribution of funds from this foreign institution in the Argentine public sphere.
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