Promoting Transdisciplinarity for the Co-Creation of Knowledge

The Case of ReD-IT (University of Talca, Chile)




Chilean Higher Education System, multilevel perspective, ReD-IT, transformative innovation, University of Talca


Considering the degree of complexity of the problems faced by society, universities are called upon to play a leading role as institutions that generate and disseminate knowledge. This role must be supported by epistemological, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to promote inclusive solutions that are co-created with stakeholders in the territories, enabling the transition to sustainable socio-technical systems. For this reason, it is necessary to create protected spaces for experimentation aligned with social and environmental challenges that facilitate the generation of learning and reflexivity among its members. The experience of the Transdisciplinary Innovation Network (ReD-IT, due to its initials in Spanish) of the University of Talca, Chile, is presented as an alternative niche to the dominant university regime. The network seeks to transform not only the institutional model of R&D&I, but also to promote a process of directionality and experimentation that encourages the identification and protection of new radical options, following the guidelines given by transformative innovation policies. Using a multilevel perspective, it was possible to establish systemic dynamics between three levels (landscape, regime, and niche). Also, the experimental nature of the niche was evaluated through the recognition criteria for policies with transformative potential, showing important differences between the practices developed within the ReD-IT and those customary for the regime.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Villalobos Mateluna, Universidad de Talca

Professor of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Sciences Agriculture, University of Talca, Chile.

Salim Chalela, Universidad del Rosario

Head of promotion and strengthening of research and innovation, Universidad of Rosario, Colombia.

Alejandra Boni, Universitat Politècnica de València

Professor at the INGENIO Institute (CSIC-UPV), Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.


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How to Cite

Villalobos Mateluna, P., Chalela, S. ., & Boni, A. . (2023). Promoting Transdisciplinarity for the Co-Creation of Knowledge: The Case of ReD-IT (University of Talca, Chile). Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 18(53), 171–197.


