Universities According To Their Social And Economic Development Needs
indicators, STI indicators, human resources, higher education graduatesAbstract
The development of human resources in science, technology and innovation (STI) has a strategic significance in the consolidation and sustainability of any country’s economic and social model, particularly in a country like Cuba. In the light of the foregoing, a research study has been developed with a focus on the STI indicators for “Higher Education Graduates” in Cuba, with a special emphasis on “Graduate Degrees”, through the search and processing of data and the drawing of conclusions. The paper is structured in the following manner: a theoretical section that tackles some of the aspects involved in the different interpretations, especially those essentially associated to the term “indicator” within the STI context, thus opening the way for the authors to take a stand; and an informative, descriptive, and assessment section that provides an account of the current status of these indicators in Cuba. In addition, the analysis of statistical data allows a correlation between the performance of this indicator in Cuba, Latin America and the Caribbean by way of comparison. All tables and graphs have been developed by the authors using the data and information obtained from the different sources.
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