What the Rankings Say about the Teaching Function in Universities


  • Carlos Pérez Rasetti Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral y OCTS-OEI


rankings, teaching, universities, research


University rankings assess, grade and hierarchically organize institutions that traditionally bear three significant functions: teaching, research and outreach. What I try to examine in this article is how and with what limitations do the rankings say something about the quality of the teaching function. It is easy to determine that most of them focus on indicators that show research capabilities and results, but when they include teaching they often do so with indirect indicators, and at least two issues underline all of the above: that, in general, rankings associate the quality of the teaching with research potential, and that the availability of standardized, legitimized and interpreted information conditions the selection of indicators that make up the rankings, discarding the teaching specifics because they do not meet these criteria.


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How to Cite

Pérez Rasetti, C. (2018). What the Rankings Say about the Teaching Function in Universities. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 13(37). Retrieved from https://ojs.revistacts.net/index.php/CTS/article/view/49


