The Technical Hope
Noise, Silence and Proliferation of Technical Texts in an Environmental Controversy
Minas Conga, technical hope, political ecology, regulatory scienceAbstract
This is a documentary and descriptive study on the controversy around the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the Minas Conga Project (Cajamarca, Peru). The purpose of the study is to better understand “the technical hope”: a widespread ideal that assumes that an expert forum brings silence to discussions where there is political noise. The paper discusses the political ecology approach applied to the analysis of mining conflicts and pollution risks, and proposes to enrich it with scientific studies devoted to the examination of socio-technical and regulatory scientific controversies. The main argument highlights the political weight of technical texts, the role of the experts and knowledge distribution. We conclude that the technical report/ counter- report proliferation, rather than bringing silence and certainty, multiplies the number of voices involved in the controversy, and makes the articulation between facts and values even more confusing.
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