Co-Creating Public Value

Challenges for Latin America




social innovation, public innovation, co-creation, co-design


The growing complexity, diversity and dynamism of public problem-solving in contemporary societies has led to concepts related to social innovation, public innovation, open innovation and co-creation, as descriptive categories that explain a new emerging paradigm of collaborative and experimental governance. Within this framework, there is a systematic increase in the processes that explore and rethink citizen and community involvement to facilitate an active role in the co- creation of public services and policies. Thus, multiple innovative initiatives to solve public problems emerge globally, while governments innovate, to different extents, in the design of services and policies by incorporating collaborative and creative ways to integrate design approaches (design thinking, participatory design) as tools to foster change. Concurrently, the web 2.0, social media and different forms of open government contribute to these collaborative processes. This article explores the distinctive elements of these new co-creation modes, providing examples of different global and regional initiatives; and poses a number of questions around these challenges and open issues for Latin America.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Zurbriggen, Universidad de la República

doctora en ciencias políticas por la Universidad Eberhard, Karls de Tübingen, Alemania, y actualmente se desempeña como profesora agregada en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de la República.

Mariana González Lago

Licenciada en sociología por la Universidad de la República y magíster en desarrollo y ayuda internacional por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


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Social Innovation Lab Kent Silk: deck.html


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Innovate San Francisco:

Public Innovation Sacramento:

Public Policy Lab:

Design Gov Australia:

Better Public Services New Zealand:

Co-Innovation Partnership Singapore:

South African Center for Public Service Innovation:



La 27e Région:






Think Place:


Social Innovation Exchange:

Stanford Center for Social Innovation:

Harvard Innovation Lab:

Brown University Swearer Center for Public Service: college/special-programs/public-service/

The Community Innovators Lab – MIT:

The Governance Lab - NYU:

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The Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience: development-innovation.htm

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Ciudadanía 2.0 SEGIB:

Centro de Innovación Social – Colombia: centro-de-innovacion-social

Nodo de Innovación Social – Colombia: gestion-colectiva-de-ideas

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How to Cite

Zurbriggen, C., & González Lago, M. (2015). Co-Creating Public Value: Challenges for Latin America. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 10(30), 143–171.


