The teaching training college and the perception of ICT availability
Comparative study: the UAEM-BUAP case
universities, ICT, perceptions, comparative studyAbstract
ICT access and availability have been regarded differently depending on the university; for some this has meant a great deficit, for others it has not constituted a problem. The aim of this paper is to present the prevailing situation as to the perception teachers have regarding the availability to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in two state-owned institutions: the UAEM and the BUAP. The implemented research method was correlational, ex post facto, through a questionnaire that had been previously designed, validated and standardized, in order to offer a comparative diagnosis regarding perception. Its results convey, among other conclusions, that: a) regarding ICT availability for academic activities, the university context influences the professors’ perception; b) the ICT-availability-for-teaching factor is considered deficient in both universities; c) connectivity is perceived as good in BUAP and deficient at UAEM; and d) technological equipment availability is perceived as deficient at UAEM, and as adequate at BUAP.
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