Socio-technical system innovation

An analysis of the dynamics of the poultry meat production sector in Argentina




socio-technical system innovation, convergent framework, poultry meat


This article presents the results of the analysis of the dynamics of the socio-technical system of production and innovation of poultry meat in Argentina. Starting from a convergent framework, with contributions from the social studies of technology and the neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary economics oriented to complex systems, it focuses on analyzing the historical evolution of the aforementioned system. The authors of this study have used several inputs from the Actor Network Theory (ART) and the statistical analysis of social networks. The conclusions suggest that there are theoretical and political questions involved. From a theoretical point of view, this article demonstrates the potentially explanatory framework from both academic trajectories converged in the Latin American field of Science, Technology and Society (STS). From a political point of view, it allows a critical analysis of techno-economic and sociopolitical networks of the production hubs of poultry meat in Argentina, its development limitations and challenges to renew the country’s present science and technology policies.


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Author Biographies

Leandro Lepratte, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional de la Argentina

Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay . Grupo de Investigación sobre Desarrollo, Innovación y Competitividad.

Rafael Blanc, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional de la Argentina

Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay. Grupo de Investigación sobre Desarrollo, Innovación y Competitividad.

Rubén Pietroboni , Universidad Tecnológica Nacional de la Argentina

Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay. Grupo de Investigación sobre Desarrollo, Innovación y Competitividad.

Daniel Hegglin, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional de la Argentina

Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay. Grupo de Investigación sobre Desarrollo, Innovación y Competitividad.


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How to Cite

Lepratte, L., Blanc, R. ., Pietroboni , R., & Hegglin, D. (2015). Socio-technical system innovation: An analysis of the dynamics of the poultry meat production sector in Argentina. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 10(28), 57–82.


