Experiences in the improvement of the quality of scientific education through the use of computing resources





scientific education, citizens’ formation, school science, informatics networks


This paper presents an approach to the quality of the scientific education from a perspective centered in the formation of citizens, who can act reflectively in relation to the challenges that the development of science and technology demands to our societies. These conceptions are considered in the teaching-learning process of the school science; the authors of this paper propose some actions that could contribute to the improvement of this process. The experiences developed at the Félix Varela Morales Pedagogical University in the implementation of these ideas are dealt in these pages, as well as the creation of the Network of scientific education of Villa Clara, which constituted an interactive space of update, interchange, production and socialization of knowledge and knowledge-related practices. This paper emphasizes the use of the resources gathered by the National Integral Network of the Ministry of Education (RIMED): data basis, discussion lists, forums and its website (as an articulator and support of the resources mentioned above), in order to achieve the best possible functioning of the network and to increase the online collaborative work that is being accumulated within the realm of scientific education.


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Author Biographies

Esperanza Asencio Cabot , Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Félix Varela Morales

Profesora titular consultante.

Ariel Zamora Ferriol, Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Félix Varela Morales

Profesor asistente


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How to Cite

Asencio Cabot , E. ., & Zamora Ferriol, A. (2014). Experiences in the improvement of the quality of scientific education through the use of computing resources. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 9(26), 145–161. https://doi.org/10.52712/issn.1850-0013-600


