Behavior of small businesses in the transformation industry of Brazil (2000-2010)

an evaluation of two contrasting sectors




small business, employment in small business, structural characteristics, economic growth


This paper analyzes the evolution of the participation of small firms, in terms of number of establishments and total employment, in two sectors of Brazilian industry: foods and cosmetics. The study comprises the period between 2000 and 2010, reflecting on two different moments of the Brazilian economy: 2000-2003 (low economic growth) and 2004-2010 (economic recovery). By comparing these two sectors, we seek to find out if their distinct structural characteristics are somehow mirrored in the growth rates vis-à-vis the number of establishments and employees. The data shows that the industrial structure of the cosmetics sector is predominantly composed of small firms. Furthermore, we find that the shares of total establishments and employment (around 94% and 41%, respectively) remain relatively stable throughout this period. A different situation occurs in the food sector. In this case, the data indicates that there is a fragmented industrial structure, and that firms are more geographically dispersed. Nevertheless, the largest companies have the greatest market share and dictate the dynamism of the sector. Compared to the cosmetics sector and to the industry as a whole, small firms in the food sector, albeit relevant to the industrial structure, contribute very little to generating employment.


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Author Biographies

Maria Carolina de Azevedo Ferreira de Souza, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Professora associada do Instituto de Economia.

Leonel Mazzali, Instituto de Ensino Campo Limpo Paulista

professor doutor do Mestrado Profissional da Faculdade de Campo Limpo Paulista

Miguel Juan Bacic, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Professor titular do Instituto de Economia.

Rodrigo Lanna da Silveira, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Professor doutor do Instituto de Economia.


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How to Cite

de Azevedo Ferreira de Souza, M. C. ., Mazzali, L. ., Bacic, M. J. ., & Lanna da Silveira, R. (2013). Behavior of small businesses in the transformation industry of Brazil (2000-2010): an evaluation of two contrasting sectors. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 8(24), 197–219.


