Nanorobotics: Epistemological Bases and Social Impact


  • Domingo Fernández Agis Universidad de La Laguna
  • Jabel Ramírez Naranjo Universidad de La Laguna


nanorobotics, rationality, economy, epistemology, biomedicine


In this article we present a philosophical characterization of nanorobotics and its relationships with techno-scientific rationality, the economy and society. The greatest difficulties and dangers in this field stem from its inherent uncertainty, as well as from the power that it has the capacity to deploy. On the other hand, due to the need that nanorobotics has to access the innermost dimensions of reality due to its extreme small size, there are deep connections between this technology and others such as computational simulations and virtual reality. Consequently, we carry out an approximation of the difficulties that derive from the epistemological characterization of nanorobotics applied to biomedicine, given the importance of this discipline and the paradigmatic role that it holds in the development of nanorobotics. Finally, we analyze some of its financial and social consequences.


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Author Biographies

Domingo Fernández Agis, Universidad de La Laguna

Profesor titular de la Universidad de La Laguna, España.

Jabel Ramírez Naranjo, Universidad de La Laguna

Doctorando en la Universidad de La Laguna, España.


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How to Cite

Fernández Agis, D., & Ramírez Naranjo, J. (2018). Nanorobotics: Epistemological Bases and Social Impact. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 13(38). Retrieved from


