Eulalia Pérez Sedeño: Counting Women



Eulalia Pérez Sedeño is much more than a researcher in gender issues, but for me she will always be the one who taught how to count women in Spain. In 2000, the ETAN report analyzed the presence of women in European scientific and academic institutions. For the first time, the data showed what many already knew: that the glass ceiling and territorial discrimination prevailed in academic careers, but we did not yet know these terms. Eulalia Pérez Sedeño taught them to us when she carried out the first study of science and gender indicators in Spain; she told us about the set of invisible obstacles that impede the progress of women in science and the set of prejudices that group women in activities "proper to their sex". After that, many researchers continued counting women, analyzing the factors that underlie discrimination and the policy measures with which to address them, because, as Eulalia stated in 2001, "the glass ceiling is very close and weighs a lot. But, as history shows that with everyone's effort it has been moving upwards over the years, in spite of everything I want to be optimistic: because the glass, in the end, however thick it may be, can be broken".


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Author Biography

Obdulia Torres, University of Salamanca

Professor of logic and philosophy of Science at the University of Salamanca (USAL), Spain. Her current lines of research are gender studies - especially quantitative studies -, philosophy of social sciences and, within STS studies, scientific and technological controversies and the role that experts play in them. She has directed several doctoral theses on the situation of women in the science and technology systems of Latin American countries. She is currently the director of the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Logic and Philosophy of Science and researcher at the University Institute of Science and Technology Studies of USAL.




How to Cite

Torres, O. (2024). Eulalia Pérez Sedeño: Counting Women. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 19(56), 209–210. Retrieved from


