Interdiscipline and Transdiscipline in the Face of Traditional Knowledge
interdiscipline, transdiscipline, traditional knowledge, knowledge society, innovation networkAbstract
The notions of inter and transdisciplinarity enable the introduction of the concept of traditional knowledge (TK) in relation to the idea of the knowledge society. This perspective allows establishing a connection between innovation, a dominant trait in this society, and TK. The entity where this relationship resides is the innovation network, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. The conceptual framework built describes the role that TK fills in this network and captures the tensions that it has been subjected to regarding its use, development and protection by the native peoples who are its custodians. This perspective is based both on the review of certain bibliographical records, as well as the experience acquired by the authors in the development and management of the action-research project: “Conservation, Development, Social Use and Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Resources in Mexico”, financed by the International Cooperation Fund between Mexico and the European Union for Science and Technology (2009- 2013).Downloads
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