Tensions and Philosophical Longings in Human-Robot Interactions
An Ethical and Postphenomenological Approach to the Problem of Android Alterity and its Place in the Future Society
human-robot interaction, androids, postphenomenology, roboethics, technological alterityAbstract
This article studies the problem of otherness in human-robot interactions, especially in the figure of the android. Thinking of this entity as a “you” with its particularities brings with it a series of phenomenological and ethical problems that are strongly linked to the question about the place of human beings in the framework of future technological development. The appearance of this otherness can modify the current conceptions of society, life, feelings, among other characteristics. In this sense, the main premise of this article is to offer a study that provides answers, from a philosophical point of view, to the tensions that may emerge between this new social agent and the subjects.
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