New Technical Culture: Towards an Elevated Civilization?


  • Fernando Tula Molina Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


technical culture, philosophy of technology, Gilbert Simondon, Gregory Bateson


This paper calls attention to the coincidences between Gilbert Simondon and Gregory Bateson regarding the importance of the cybernetic approach as a model for a new technical culture. Both urge us to abandon identity-based arguments in order to find resonances, and to leave aside all merely formal analysis to move forward and consider transductive and abductive processes. On the other hand, both share the desire to reach a more “elevated” civilization, which is based not only on technical knowledge, but also on a technical wisdom that makes the system’s integrity the ultimate criterion for meaning and decision. It is suggested that Bateson’s way of thinking of an elevated civilization, that entails a third level of learning, could provide positive content to Simondon’s demand for a new technical culture. Said content has been organized in four conditions: significance, critical thinking, technicity and convergence. As a final observation, the link between this new culture with political ecology and its criticisms on the indefinite growth ideal is highlighted.


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Author Biography

Fernando Tula Molina, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Investigador adjunto del CONICET y profesor titular de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Tula Molina, F. (2018). New Technical Culture: Towards an Elevated Civilization?. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 13(39). Retrieved from


