Art, Science, Technology and Society. An Approach to Teaching and Learning the Sciences in an Artistic Context


  • Francisco Javier Serón Torrecilla Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón


art, science, technology, society, teaching and learning


Scientific teaching within the context of artistic education has characteristics associated to students and their ambiguous relationship with science and technology. Based on this statement, and within the framework of a doctoral research and an innovation project for teachers, a new approach is presented. It has been named “ASTS”: Arts, Science, Technology and Society. This paper analyzes the reasons for including the "A" in the already known STS approach as a teaching and learning methodology. Fundamental characteristics and the conceptual framework in which the proposal is entered are also noted. Finally, one of the projects carried out under the ASTS approach is detailed, as well as a qualitative analysis of the improvements in learning, motivation, expectations and interest experienced by the students.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Serón Torrecilla, Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón

Doctor en didáctica de las ciencias experimentales, profesor asociado en el Departamento de Didáctica de las CCEE de la Facultad de Educación de Zaragoza, España, y profesor del Departamento de Fundamentos Científicos del Diseño de la Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón, España.


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How to Cite

Serón Torrecilla, F. J. (2019). Art, Science, Technology and Society. An Approach to Teaching and Learning the Sciences in an Artistic Context. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 14(40). Retrieved from


