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  • Vol. 20 No. 58 (2025)

    March 2025 - Comprised of articles written by authors from Spain, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, this issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS presents a dossier on the present and future of engaging technologies, a long-standing academic concept that was conceived by Miguel Ángel Quintanilla, professor emeritus at the University of Salamanca and member of the Editorial Board of CTS. Coordinated by researcher Martín Parselis, the dossier aims to place engaging technologies as a deontology for all agents involved in the development and use of the technologies we humans employ on a daily basis. The diversity of topics and applications discussed in this issue seems to demonstrate that it is indispensable to adapt the criteria of engaging technologies to each type of technology and context, which emphasizes the validity and quality of the materials in this issue.

  • Vol. 19 No. 57 (2024)

    November 2024 - At the end of its 19th volume, Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS includes academic articles by Argentine, Colombian, Cuban and Spanish researchers working on different topics present across the regional spectrum of STS studies. From the design of virtual identities to the gender biases that come with the new intelligent technologies, as well as case studies of different technological development and research on the academic life and careers of scientists, and a review of the imaginaries, representations and expectations generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, among other important issues, the papers gathered in this issue fulfill the purpose of covering multiple and interdisciplinary perspectives that promote a reflection on the connections between science, technology and society in the Ibero-American context.

  • Vol. 19 No. 56 (2024)

    July 2024 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS presents a dossier that addresses some topics of enormous relevance in the current regional and international context: the multiple ways in which science and technology are involved in gender issues, and the multiple ways in which gender redefines what we understand by scientific-technological work. To this end, different texts by authors from Ibero-America are presented. The articles that make up the dossier of this edition emerged from some of the symposia of the last Ibero-American Congress on Science, Technology and Gender, held in Madrid in 2023. Specifically, the symposiums "Algorithmic injustice. Gender biases in artificial intelligence and ethical and educational challenges", "Science communication from a feminist perspective" and "Sustainability and equity versus neoliberalism and patriarchy", which give a palpable idea of the topics covered in these pages.

  • Vol. 19 No. 55 (2024)

    March 2024 - In this issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS, a dossier on a topic of great contemporary importance is presented: the discussion on the different ways of doing science. And for this, a high-level set of contributions is available. As Professor José Luis Luján -in charge of coordinating this dossier- points out, the question of whether there is a single way to carry out research that fits the standard of what is scientific, and that allows us to distinguish it from those that do not, it is not only important for those who are dedicated to epistemic issues. Being a question that has aroused interest within the most classical circles of philosophy of science, the questions that it brings up also have repercussions on other areas of human experience. At a time when it is increasingly difficult to discriminate truthful information from that which is the product of bias and post-truth, the question of whether there is a way to discriminate between good and bad knowledge, between rigorous and poorly developed research, becomes a pressing problem for all.

  • Vol. 18 No. 54 (2023)

    November 2023 - At the end of its 18th volume, Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS includes academic articles by Brazilian, Peruvian, Portuguese, Uruguayan and Argentine researchers working on different topics present throughout the regional spectrum of STS studies. From the design of scientific policies to their financing, through the analysis of the relationship between industry and research, as well as the study of alternative fuels based on theories related to the philosophy of technology and the review of the available literature on the social, economic and environmental impacts of other energy sources, among other important issues, the articles gathered in this issue fulfill the purpose of encompassing multiple and interdisciplinary perspectives that promote a reflection on the connections between science, technology and society in the Ibero-American sphere.

  • Vol. 18 No. 53 (2023)

    July 2023 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS contains a dossier on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary practices in Ibero-America. With the purpose of exploring the integration of knowledge and science, technology and innovation policies in the region, the articles gathered in the dossier -coordinated by María Goñi Mazzitelli, Bianca Vienni-Baptista and Cecilia Hidalgo- collect contributions from researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. The issue is completed with three miscellaneous articles: “Artificial intelligence and biases. The case of adolescent pregnancy prediction in Salta”, by Karina Pedace, Tobías Schleider and Tomás Balmaceda; “Digital heritage. Appropriation of digital technologies in young people from the working classes and services in Buenos Aires”, by Victoria Matozo; and “Emerging technologies associated with environmental risks. Fracking in Mendoza and thermo-valorization in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: coalitions in controversy”, by Mariana Saidón, Lucas Christel and Belén Levatino. The issue also includes a review written by Gabriela Bortz of Women and Science in Chile. Autobiographical stories of researchers of the XXI century, a book compiled by Mariana I. Paludi.

  • Vol. 18 No. 52 (2023)

    March 2023 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS contains a heterogeneous group of articles that analyze various case studies from different theoretical and practical perspectives. The different methodologies used in the field of STS research, both quantitative and qualitative, allow us to approach particular realities from which we can also think about other spaces and environments. Scientific-technological controversies, the ways of researching, producing technology or teaching science have unique characteristics that depend on the context in which they occur, although they also have characteristics shared by other sociocultural environments that make it possible to draw generalizable conclusions. In this issue we approach realities as diverse and as close as the ones in Spain, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico and Argentina, based on contributions from researchers from different academic institutions. STS studies are more valid than ever, since they help us understand our particular reality from the Ibero-American perspective.

  • STS Frontiers in Argentina and Brazil

    December 2022 - This special issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS presents academic articles about different cases related to STS studies in Argentina and Brazil. It also aims to highlight the growing relevance of multilingual scientific production in Ibero-America, where Spanish and Portuguese are two languages close to each other and easy to understand mutually, enriched by the continuous interactions of a community of 850 million speakers on four continents. The following are the researchers who make up the issue: Ana P. Laborinho, Marina Rieznik, Diego J. Macedo, João Maricato, M. Noelia Corvalán Carro, Andrés Niembro, Celso A. Sousa de Alvear, Cristiano C. Cruz, Mariana Silva, Aristides Paschoal, Lautaro Zubeldía Brenner, Sofya Surtayeva, Gabriela Blanco, Jalcione Almeida, Fernando Svampa, Diego Aguiar, Luciana C. de Oliveira, Adriana O. Santos, José A. Borello, Leandro González, Aída Quintar, Mariana Martínez, Carolina Barnes, Severina C. da Silva Cantanhede, Ivanise M. Rizzatti and Leonardo B. Cantanhede.

  • Vol. 17 No. 51 (2022)

    November 2022 - Without improving education, the troubles of our present and the uncertainty of our future will only become larger. Based on this knowledge, Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS offers a new dossier: "The STS perspective on education". There are different aspects of daily life that give increasing importance to this approach: on the one hand, environmental deterioration and the need to attain sustainability for all societies; on the other, an intense technification of life. The siege of algorithms that try to drive our decisions and the enormous diversity of information channels forces authorities, experts and teachers to strengthen the guidance of students towards the achievement of critical and independent thinking. In total, 31 authors from different origins (Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Panama and Ecuador) take part in the 12 articles of this dossier, a number that shows that science can be built upon the shoulders of regional teamwork. This new edition of CTS also presents two miscellaneous articles: "Cooperative Mechanisms in the Implementation of Science and Technology Policies: An Analysis of LENERSE from the Perspective of Complex Associative Systems", by M. E. Giraldo and E. Zárate Toledo, and "Comparing Measurement Methodologies for the Quality of Higher Education", by C. Partal, M. T. Gorjup and H. Vigier.

  • Vol. 17 No. 50 (2022)

    July 2022 - To celebrate its first 50 issues, Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS invited authors from all over Ibero-America to participate in this dossier with short essays about the most current topics in STS studies. The complete list of authors is as follows: Mario Albornoz, Jordi Vallverdú, Renato Dagnino, Obdulia Torres González, Camila López Echagüe, José Luis Luján, Isabel P. Martins, Rosalba Casas, Rodrigo Arocena, Jorge Enrique Linares Salgado, Rui Marques Vieira, Elena Castro Martínez, Carlos Osorio Marulanda, Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, Gabriela Reznik, Luisa Massarani, Ana María Vara, Gabriela E. Sued, Judith Zubieta García, Anna Estany, Héctor Palma, Diego Lawler, Judith Sutz, Carlos Fiolhais, Jorge Núñez Jover, Pablo Jacovkis, Noemí Girbal-Blacha, Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela and Jorge Budrovich Sáez. The topics covered include public participation in science and technology, the development of scientific policies at the national and regional level, scientific-technological controversies, the link between STS studies and environmental investigations, STS education, the relationship between science and gender, scientific journalism and the scientific response in times of urgency, among others, as well as reviews of the state of the art of STS studies in Ibero-American countries such as Portugal, Cuba, Uruguay and Argentina.

  • Vol. 17 No. 49 (2022)

    March 2022 - Coinciding with Women's History Month, Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS offers a dossier entitled: "Gender studies in the face of COVID-19". Chosen from among the articles presented at the XIII Ibero-American Congress on Science, Technology and Gender (CICTyG) -held in Quito, Ecuador, from July 14 to 16, 2021-, the texts included in the dossier are preceded by an introduction by by Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, who indicates: «We have here a varied sample of various topics discussed on COVID-19 from a feminist or gender perspective. The increase in the digital divide, violence against children -especially sexual violence against girls, among other consequences-, prostitution, mental health, the representation of eroticism, exercise and training, and the conditions in which that women from different fields work, live and solve their personal and work tasks, or the gender gap in Ibero-American publications during the pandemic, constitutes a small sample of the impact that COVID-19 has had on life, the relationships and the status of women, adolescents and girls”.

  • Vol. 16 No. 48 (2021)

    November 2021 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS includes academic articles written by Argentine, Brazilian, Chilean and Spanish researchers. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

  • Vol. 16 No. 47 (2021)

    July 2021 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS includes academic articles written by Brazilian, Mexican, Argentine, Ecuadorian and Colombian researchers. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

  • Vol. 16 No. 46 (2021)

    March 2021 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS includes academic articles written by Spanish, Uruguayan, Brazilian and Argentine researchers. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

  • Journalism and Scientific Dissemination in the Age of Disinformation

    January 2021 - This special issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS is dedicated to journalism and scientific dissemination in the age of misinformation. It aims to address the importance of scientific dissemination as a key tool to bring clear and reliable information to society, as well as to promote scientific vocations.

  • Vol. 15 No. 45 (2020)

    October 2020 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS includes academic articles written by researchers from Mexico, Brazil, Spain and Argentina. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

  • Vol. 15 No. 44 (2020)

    June 2020 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS includes academic articles written by Uruguayan, Spanish, Ecuadorian, Argentine, Mexican, Brazilian and Cuban researchers. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

  • Vol. 15 No. 43 (2020)

    February 2020 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad—CTS includes academic articles written by Paraguayan, Argentine, Mexican, Brazilian, Cuban, and Spanish researchers. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

  • Vol. 14 No. 42 (2019)

    October 2019 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS brings together a set of academic articles that cover different perspectives on international cooperation in science and technology. The dossier "Seventy years of international cooperation" includes seven papers written by different experts from Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile and Mexico, among other countries.

  • Vol. 14 No. 41 (2019)

    June 2019 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS includes academic articles written by Mexican, Argentine, Spanish, Brazilian, Colombian and Uruguayan researchers. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

  • Vol. 14 No. 40 (2019)

    February 2019 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS includes academic articles written by Argentine, Spanish, Brazilian, Portuguese, and Paraguayan researchers. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

  • Vol. 13 No. 39 (2018)

    October 2018 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS presents articles from the field of social studies of science and technology. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

  • Vol. 13 No. 38 (2018)

    June 2018 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS presents articles from the field of social studies of science and technology. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

  • Vol. 13 No. 37 (2018)

    February 2018 - This issue of Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad —CTS presents articles from the field of social studies of science and technology. Original and previously unpublished, these papers address the relationships between science, technology and society from a plural and interdisciplinary perspective, with an Ibero-American focus and the aim of promoting and broadening the debates in this area for academics, specialists, authorities and the general public.

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