Much Ado but not Enough Drugs. Knowledge Production and Technology Transfer in Neglected Diseases


  • Luciano Levin Universidad Nacional de Río Negro
  • Hugo Ferpozzi Universidad Maimónides
  • Diego Aguiar Universidad Nacional de Río Negro


technology transfer, neglected diseases, production and use of knowledge Luciano Levin, Hugo Ferpozzi y Diego Aguiar


Technology transfer is a central concern in the context of academia and industry relations, but its conceptualization is still a matter of debate. Technology transfer is typically defined as the implementation of knowledge in the production of private goods and services that eventually produces spillovers and benefits society as a whole. Other perspectives, however, are concerned with the resolution of current social issues perceived as priorities beyond their commercial viability. In this paper, we propose that the nuances and hybridization between these two definitions may account for certain factors that hinder the implementation of knowledge produced in public research organizations. Drawing on concepts from the sociology of science and science policy analysis, we examine local research initiatives against neglected tropical diseases carried out during the last two decades. Concepts from the sociology of science and analysis of scientific policy were the tools used in this analysis. Focusing on the production and use of scientific knowledge, as well as the dynamics and power relations between stakeholders, we propose alternative interpretations to guide the production of locally applicable scientific and technological knowledge and make policy recommendations.


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Author Biographies

Luciano Levin, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro

Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Argentina. CONICET. Centro de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología, Cultura y Desarrollo (CITECDE).

Hugo Ferpozzi, Universidad Maimónides

Becario posdoctoral CONICET. Investigador del Centro de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (CCTS), Universidad Maimónides, Argentina.  .

Diego Aguiar, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro

Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Argentina. CONICET. Centro de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología, Cultura y Desarrollo (CITECDE). Correo electrónico: .


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How to Cite

Levin, L., Ferpozzi, H., & Aguiar, D. (2020). Much Ado but not Enough Drugs. Knowledge Production and Technology Transfer in Neglected Diseases. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 15(45). Retrieved from


