Digital Heritage

Appropriation of Digital Technologies in Young People from Working and Services Classes in Buenos Aires




youth, digital appropriation, social mobility, social classes, digital divide


This article analyzes the digital heritage from the trajectories of appropriation of digital technologies in students of public middle schools in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The question that guides this research is: what modes of appropriation are presented in young people from working and services classes, and what are their characteristics? Based on the concept of appropriation, young people’s trajectories are analyzed from their class of origin, and from the analytical perspective of the third digital divide. By combining both fields of study, not only a comparison between classes is made, but also the meaning of these practices is deepened. The analysis focuses on the social and digital reproduction strategies deployed by young people in the appropriation processes in relation to their individual goals, and on examining to what extent these are constrained (or not) by their chances of life. This article applies a quantitative methodology, based on the “Youth and Technology 2018-2019 Survey”, and a qualitative one, based on the interviews conducted with young students from public schools of Buenos Ares.


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Author Biography

Victoria Matozo, Universidad de Buenos Aires

PhD in social sciences, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina. Specialist in social and digital inequality. Bachelor of science in social communication.


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How to Cite

Matozo, V. (2023). Digital Heritage: Appropriation of Digital Technologies in Young People from Working and Services Classes in Buenos Aires. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 18(53), 27–50.


