Situated Learning
Interdisciplinary Practices of Pandemic Research
interdisciplinary, integration, communities of practice, rolesAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic urgently challenged the ways in which scientific knowledge could address the multiple and complex problems it presented. Interdisciplinary research thus appeared to be the path forward in developing effective solutions. The University of the Republic (Udelar) in Uruguay was no exception to this situation and reacted swiftly, aiming to contribute to solving the challenges within its context. This article has a dual objective. On the one hand, it seeks to analyze how various interdisciplinary processes were implemented, the forms of organization adopted, and how they managed to integrate different types of knowledge. On the other hand, it aims to identify the roles assumed by researchers in these processes and the skills they developed to create solutions for the problems addressed. To conduct this analysis, three experiences were selected, each of which involved designing specific devices -swabs, a mask disinfectant, and a high-flow oxygenator- intended to address health-related issues arising during the pandemic.
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