The Outlook of Teenagers during a Visit to the Interactive Museum of Economics (MIDE), Mexico


  • Luisa Massarani Fundación Oswaldo Cruz
  • Jessica Norberto Rocha Fundação Cecierj
  • Lara Mucci Poenaru Instituto Federal de Ciência, Tecnologia e Educação do Pará (IFPA)
  • Marina Bravo Instituto Pretos Novos
  • Silvia Singer Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE)
  • Emilio Sánchez Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE)


science museums, science communication, STSE, teenagers


The objective of this exploratory and qualitative study is to understand a museum experience from the perspective of the visitors, in this case teenagers during a non-school visit to the Interactive Museum of Economics (MIDE, due to the acronym in Spanish), in Mexico City. From a science-technology-society-environment (STSE) perspective, the visits of five groups, each one composed of 3 to 5 teenagers, were analyzed. Three categories of STSE were observed: understanding of the socio-scientific issues, framing of their own visions and perspectives, and informed and responsible decision making. Evidence was found of the protagonism of socio-scientific discussions during the interactions between the teenagers and the expository modules as well as with the mediators. It is suggested that the teenagers mobilized, in accordance with their interests and motivations, their previously held knowledge and experience in the interaction with the objects of the museum, in a committed and autonomous way, based on the socio-scientific issues raised during the visit to the museum. Opportunities for interaction, discussion, and collective and deliberative learning were created, which highlighted the dialogue-based approach of MIDE’s methodologies, as well as its contributions to foster the scientific citizenship of its visitors.


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Author Biographies

Luisa Massarani, Fundación Oswaldo Cruz

Coordenadora do Instituto Nacional de Comunicação Pública da Ciência e Tecnologia, da Red MUSA Iberoamericana: Red de Museos y Centros de Ciencia-Cyted, e do mestrado de divulgação da ciência, tecnologia e saúde, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Brasil. Bolsa Produtividade 1C do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) e cientista do Nosso Estado da Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Faperj).

Jessica Norberto Rocha, Fundação Cecierj

Divulgadora científica da Fundação Cecierj, membro do Instituto Nacional de Comunicação Pública da Ciência e Tecnologia e da Red MUSA Iberoamericana, docente do mestrado de divulgação da ciência, tecnologia e saúde, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Brasil.

Lara Mucci Poenaru, Instituto Federal de Ciência, Tecnologia e Educação do Pará (IFPA)

Pesquisadora e membro do Comitê Científico do Conselho de Pós-graduação e pesquisa do Instituto Federal de Ciência, Tecnologia e Educação do Pará (IFPA), Brasil.

Marina Bravo, Instituto Pretos Novos

Professora e pesquisadora formada em história pela UFF, pós-graduanda em história e cultura africana e afro-brasileira no Instituto Pretos Novos junto à FEUDUC, com sua pesquisa em relações comunitárias e educação no C.E. Guadalajara, em Duque de Caxias, RJ, Brasil.

Silvia Singer, Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE)

Diretora general del Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE), México.

Emilio Sánchez, Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE)

Subdirector de estudios de público y evaluación del Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE), México.


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How to Cite

Massarani, L., Norberto Rocha, J., Mucci Poenaru, L., Bravo, M., Singer, S., & Sánchez, E. (2020). The Outlook of Teenagers during a Visit to the Interactive Museum of Economics (MIDE), Mexico. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad - CTS (Ibero-American Science, Technology and Society Journal), 15(44). Retrieved from




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